Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011


!!! Announcement !!!
Notified to all students grades 7 and 8 in junior high school state one Yosowilangun, if you want to follow the race MIPA to immediately sign up for each homeroom. Registration fee Rp. 25.000, registration not later than 10 October 2011, race was held on 15 October 2011 in high school two Lumajang. so the information we provide, we thank you.

!!! Announcement !!!

Notified to all students in Junior High School One Yosowilangun that community service will be held:
Day   : Saturday
Date  : 8 October 2011
Time : 8:00 a.m
For it is expected that all students bring cleaning equipments.
Thus this announcement, hopefully this event can run smoothly.

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